

Here is a list of our frequently asked legal questions. For more details, our complete set of legal documents are accessible below.



Can I use Deep Space Sparkle in my classroom?



You may teach Deep Space Sparkle lessons to your students. You may optionally post your student’s results on your website or social media. Please give attribution back to Deep Space Sparkle. You may not post Deep Space Sparkle lesson plans or resources on your website or social media. You may, using your discretion on behalf of your students, post artwork resulting from teaching our lessons. You may not sell, redistribute or provide access to our resources to other teachers or to any other individual or group. This includes membership sites, online workshops or courses for the purpose of training art teachers. You may not claim ownership of any Deep Space Sparkle lesson, handout or teaching methodology.



Can I use Deep Space Sparkle for private lessons?



You can use The Sparklers’ Club following the same guidelines as teachers (described above) with these additional restrictions: You can use TSC lessons in your private art classes in any physical location where you are meeting with children in person. You may not use Deep Space Sparkle resources for online teaching. You may not post our copyrighted images, videos or branding graphics in any (paid or otherwise) promotional materials. This includes your website, social media, flyers, etc. You may not change or alter our copyrighted lesson plans, art resources or any downloaded PDF’s to reflect your business or name. You may not sell or redistribute our resources to you customers or any other individual or group. If you post your student’s results on your website or social media, you must acknowledge Deep Space Sparkle and give credit to Deep Space Sparkle and/or the Sparklers’ Club as the lesson creator.



Can I use Deep Space Sparkle copyrighted content when advertising or promoting my online or in-person classes?



No. You may not advertise DSS or The Sparklers’ Club lessons as if they are your own.



Can I use Deep Space Sparkle in an online classroom?



We do not authorize the usage of Deep Space Sparkle and Sparklers’ Club resources (lessons, videos, resources) to be used for online learning for revenue generating businesses, operations or classes. If your school requires teaching via a school-protected online website/portal, please contact support@deepspacesparkle.com for permission to used materials.



Can I use Deep Space Sparkle in a branded brick-and-morter art studio or online art lessons?



No. We do not provide a license or offer permission for brand name businesses that operate in brick and mortar locations or online art classes that operates as an individual or franchise brand.



Can I post DSS or Sparklers’ Club handouts, PDF’s or videos on public websites?



Deep Space Sparkle and Sparklers’ Club videos, PDF’s and handouts cannot be posted on public websites. You may not post DSS or Sparklers’ Club content on unprotected school websites, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, email, etc. This also includes private YouTube Channels and private Facebook groups. In addition, Deep Space Sparkle YouTube videos cannot be pulled or embedded on public websites.



Do I still have access to the private membership materials if I cancel?



If you should cancel your membership to The Sparklers’ Club, you no longer have access to the private website or community. While you are a member, you may download any PDF to keep for future use.



How is my credit card info stored?



Your credit card information is not stored on www.sparklersclub.com servers. All credit card orders are processed via secure transaction gateway services including Paypal (www.paypal.com), Authorize.net (www.authorize.net) and Stripe (www.stripe.com). This includes all regular transactions and all recurring membership payments.



What is your Privacy Policy?



Deep Space Sparkle stores your name and email address on our servers. Your email address will only be used to contact you about your account status and other actions initiated on www.sparklersclub.com. We will never sell your email address or use it for any purposes other than contacting you about Deep Space Sparkle concerns. To request we delete your data, to file a complaint, or inquire if DSS has any data regarding you, please send an email to support@deepspacesparkle.com. A complete version of our privacy policy is available below.



What are your Terms of Service?



Our “Terms of Service” are the legalities governing access and use of online services provided by Deep Space Sparkle. They go together with our “End User License Agreement” (EULA) where you agree to these terms. A complete set of our legal documents including the Terms of Service and the EULA are available below.



What is your End User License Agreement?



Our “End User License Agreement” or EULA is an agreement between you and Deep Space Sparkle governing your access and use of our website and products including the membership content. By using our website and services, you consent to be bound by this agreement. A complete set of our legal documents including the Terms of Service and the EULA are available below. If you do not agree to these terms, please immediately stop using our website, our content and services.


Deep Space Sparkle Privacy Policy


Deep Space Sparkle Terms of Service


Deep Space Sparkle End User License Agreement


The {lesson_title} Lesson is Locked inside of the {bundle_title}

Unlocking this lesson will give you access to the entire bundle and use {points} of your available unlocks.

Are you sure?

The {bundle_title} is Locked

Accessing this bundle will use {points} of your available unlocks.

Are you sure?


The {lesson_title} Lesson is Locked inside of the {bundle_title}

To unlock this lesson, close this box, then click on the “lock” icon.